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I cannot send a message to the Trayn team
I cannot send a message to the Trayn team

If you want to contact us, but the "Contact Us" button does not work, it might be an ad blocker or tracking protection.

Updated over a week ago

If you want to contact us through our in-app chat and you click the button and nothing happens, or you get an error message, it might be that something in your browser blocks our chat widget.

Why is the chat widget blocked?

We use Intercom to let you talk to us from inside the app and also, if you contact us at This is our support system.

When you contact us through chat, the email address and name used in Trayn will be shared with Intercom This only happens when you contact us and is used to notify you of replies. Third party profile enhancement in Intercom is disabled.

An ad blocker or tracking protection does not know how we are using Intercom and some sites use it to track anonymous users coming to their websites. This is why they have disabled interaction with Intercom components directly.

How can I contact Trayn?

You can always contact us directly using the email address Please also see our contact page for specific contact addresses.

Disable blocking

We respect your privacy, and, as mentioned above, you can always contact us directly via email. If you want to use the Trayn support system in the app, you can always disable blocking of our support system only for

For this to work, please do one of the following

  • Add * to your whitelist for

  • Exclude from ad blocking or tracking protection.

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